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Corporate Learning and Knowledge Retention Survey 2020

Digital Transformation in L&D

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In June 2020 Blue Elephants Solutions conducted the “Corporate Learning and Knowledge Retention Survey 2020”. This study includes feedback from 126 L&D leaders across industries from the US, Europe, India, ASEAN and Australia.

This report covers the Digital Transformation in L&D and analyses the perceived importance of digital transformation, the current status quo, challenges in the digitalization and current trends in the digital transformation of Learning & Development.

Blue Elephants Solutions Learning Content Analyzer GPT

The BES Learning Content Analyzer is now accessible on Chat GPT. Designed as part of the free education and corporate learning resources, this GPT helps L&D Professionals evaluate their learning content by offering tailored analyses based on established instructional design models, providing insights into content effectiveness, and suggesting enhancements to meet educational goals.

Here’s how it works:

1. Upload your training materials

2. Choose between a high-level evaluation or an analytical deep dive based on established instructional design models such as the ADDIE Model, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and more.

3. Receive an analysis of your training material based on your selection, as well as suggestions for improvement to enhance effectiveness of your training.