How a Hospital delivers crucial training to 1000 operations staff across different departments and schedules


A Hospital that employs around 1,000 operational staff across vital departments including Kitchen, Security, Gardening, Logistics, and Cleaning.


The Hospital faced the challenge of efficiently delivering crucial recurring training to their operational workforce. Training in areas such as Cyber Security, Work Safety, and Hygiene was vital but posed logistical difficulties for the organization through traditional methods, especially for deskless workers and high levels of flexibility required for the different roles.


Blue Elephants Solutions introduced the user-friendly mobile learning app Knowledge Gym for flexible delivery of training that can be seamlessly integrated into daily operations, and is accessible by the staff on private phones or department iPads.

To enhance motivation, an incentive program offering gift cards was introduced upon training completion.

Training content, comprising PDFs and videos, was provided in various formats, with translations of the material for multilingual staff. Some sessions were conducted in a classroom setting utilizing iPads for interactive learning.


Flexible & Accessible Learning  

The introduction of Knowledge Gym as learning platform created the opportunity for asynchronous and flexible training across all teams, catering to all workers and considering different work locations and schedules.

High Engagement & Cost Effectiveness 

Training costs associated with in-person sessions were reduced. The incentive program fostered strong engagement, while Knowledge Gym’s gamification features further encouraging active participation and healthy competition among employees, while interacting with learning materials.

High Completion Rates 

After a 3-month implementation process including technical integration and creation of learning materials, the complete staff was trained on the necessary modules after a 3-month training period.

Click here for more information on Knowledge Gym