Knowledge Gym:
Elevate Learning, Drive Application, and Boost Performance

Knowledge Gym is your complete solution to fostering continuous learning, driving knowledge and skill application, and achieving top-tier performance within your organization. Designed with your team's success in mind, Knowledge Gym combines advanced AI-technology with proven learning strategies to drive outstanding results.

Your Hyper-Personalized Learning Experience for Applied Training Knowledge

See Training Knowledge Internalized and Applied

Spaced Repetition

Unlock the secret to knowledge retention and applied training knowledge!
Knowledge Gym utilizes AI-based Spaced Repetition to ensure that your employees internalize new information, by revisiting training content spaced out over certain intervals. An AI-driven algorithm analyzes learning behaviour and automatically reinforces content at the exact right time for each learner.

Micro Learning

Learning made easy, impactful, and actionable! Engaging scenario based quizzes in bite-sized format turn learning into a daily habit, ensuring that knowledge is not just retained but applied effectively.

Your Key to High Engagement and Completion Rates

Hyper Personalization

Tailor-made learning for individual success! Knowledge Gym embraces Hyper-Personalization, creating unique learning journeys for each team member. With an AI-based algorithm, content delivery adjusts to learners’ skill level, ensuring optimal training results for the individual.


Gamify learning for ultimate engagement! Through gamification elements like rankings, challenges, and rewards, Knowledge Gym ensures a high engagement rate of employees and promotes a community of learning.

Effortlessly Add New Content and Stay Informed

Manager Insights

Make informed decisions with data-driven insights! Knowledge Gym equips you with detailed reports on learning progress and completion rates, helping you optimize training and achieve superior results.

AI Content Generator

Simplify content creation with AI! A built-in AI Content Generator simplifies the process by automatically generating micro learnings in quiz format from your uploaded documents, saving you significant time and effort.

Empower Your Team with Effective Learning. See up to...

See Training Knowledge Applied - Everything You Need in One Solution


  • Bite-sized learning content
  • Daily content proposal
  • Micro learnings
  • Qizzes


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Offline access in app


  • Push-notifications
  • User progress email
  • Manager team email
  • Qizzes

Content Generation

  • AI content generation
  • Upload courses content
  • Videos, images, text
  • Hint and explanations
  • Link to additional resources
  • Option to contact expert

Course Creation

  • Built-in course authoring
  • Assign content to courses
  • Add / remove users / teams
  • Manage course parameters
  • Define spaced repetition
  • Can reuse PPTs, PDFs, videos


  • Performance overview
  • Progress tracking
  • Activity dashboard
  • Certification overview
  • Content analytics
  • Dashboards & graphic reports

Account Management

  • User creation
  • User mass upload
  • Bulk user actions
  • Archive users
  • Custom fields & departments
  • Access controls / permissions


  • Multi-Language
  • Profile settings
  • Language settings
  • Manage privacy settings
  • Additional external pages
  • Import / export functionality

Security & Data Privacy

  • Optional full encryption mode
  • Option to anonymize frontend
  • Option for on premise hosting
  • Manage privacy settings
  • Customer privacy policy
  • DSGVO compliant hosting


  • Define departments
  • Role assignment
  • System permissions per role
  • Teams and team hierarchies


  • UI colours adjustable
  • On/Off gamification features
  • Notification Intervals
  • Privacy settings


  • Cloud, SaaS, Web-based
  • On-Premise hosting possible
  • DSGVO compliant (Telekom)

Learning Types

  • Asynchronous learning
  • Self-Learning
  • Spaced repetition
  • Blended learning
  • Knowledge base


  • Points / rewards shop
  • Achievements
  • Badges
  • Leaderboards
  • Challenge colleagues


  • Multiple certification criteria
  • Automatic certificate creation
  • Predefined template

Custom App

  • Full custom App possible

Start Hyper-Personalized Training Today

Find a Selection of short Video Tutorials for Knowledge Gym Features on our YouTube Channel