Elevate Your Learning Experience and Knowledge Management with the Power of AI

Discover a world of innovative AI-enhanced learning and knowledge management solutions designed to empower your organization's growth, enhance employee engagement, and drive impactful training results.


Knowledge Gym

The Ultimate Knowledge Retention App

Knowledge Gym is your go-to solution for knowledge retention and turning new information into actionable habits. This mobile app leverages spaced repetition, microlearning, and hyper-personalization to effectively reinforce training content. Our AI-enhanced algorithm ensures each learner’s forgetting curve is considered, delivering tailored content precisely when it’s needed for optimal retention. Gamification features further elevate learner engagement, making learning enjoyable and competitive.

Managers and trainers can access detailed reports on training progression and completion rates to optimize their teams’ training journey.

AI Conversation Coach

Intelligent Tutoring for Real-Life Conversations

AI Conversation Coach is your personalized conversation simulation mobile app. Create various AI personas with different personalities to train employees in your own use cases such as sales, customer service, or leadership conversations.

Learners receive immediate feedback on their responses and engage in lifelike conversations, whether through text or voice input. AI Coach is your path to equipping your teams with optimal communication abilities to ensure they are ready when it counts.

AI Knowledge Assistant

Instant Information Access

AI Knowledge Assistant is your mobile app for accessing company and product-specific knowledge on-demand. Upload information specific to your organization or products into your own repository, and let your employees access it instantly via AI-Chat on their mobile device, whenever, wherever.

This innovative knowledge solution enables your workforce to quickly make informed decisions with the right information at their fingertips.

Micro Services

Individual Micro Services for Your Needs

Our Micro Services provide access to the innovative features of our Off-the-Shelf Solutions via API and iFrame. Pick your favourite features from AI Knowledge Assistant, Knowledge Gym or AI Conversation Coach.

Make use of AI-powered instant knowledge access, AI content generation, dynamic micro quizzes, AI-driven conversation training, and others, and seamlessly integrate them into your existing internal platforms, allowing you to benefit from their functionality without a complete solution overhaul.

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Custom Development

Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Need something a little different? In addition to our Off-the-Shelf products and micro services, we specialize in creating customized learning solutions. If our existing products don’t precisely match your requirements, we’re here to work closely with you to design a solution that perfectly aligns with your organization’s objectives and aspirations.

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